T h e C o o k ' s
M m m m m h m s ? ? ? ?

(I got tired of the initial survey, so I pondered some more of those deep "metaphysical-philosophical-causal" questions...)

If God was to make hot dogs do you think he'd use Dijon mustard? Yes he would! No he wouldn't!
Which of one these is your favorite Muppet?
What's your excuse for being here? Nothing better to do.
Got sucked in by a search engine.
Tried a net directory.
I plead guilty on having followed a link from a Chat site.
TheCook gave you his link.
A friend of his?
None of the above. Just stumbled upon it.

Any poems and recipes are welcome!

Please enter your name:
Please enter your e-mail address:
If you don't type anything in here, I won't receive anything!
Where do you live? Country, state or prov.

